Friday, February 02, 2007

नेपाली ब्लगरहरुको जमघट

नेपाली ब्लगरहरुको जमघट
आज माघ १९ गते freedom forum को meeting hall मा केही नेपाली bloggerहरुको जमघट भयो उक्त अवसरमा म पनि त्यहाँ अलि ढिलो पुगेको थिएँ त्यहाँ ब्लग सम्बन्धी छलफल भयो र अरु साथीहरुबाट आफ्ना अनुभव हरु सुनाउने काम भयो । नेपाली bloggerहरुको को association को बारे पनि कुराकानी भयो यस्तै जमघट नियमित हुनु पर्नेमा सबैले जोड दिए र हरेक महिनाको पहिलो शनिबार जमघट गर्ने कुरो तय भयो । एस्तो जमघट ले ब्लग सम्बन्धित कुरा मात्र नभएर अन्य subject मा पनि सहयोग लिन सकिने कुरो मा कसैको दुईमत रहेन ।

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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धेरै दिन पछी लेख्दै छु

आज ईन्टरनेटमा हेर्दै थिए यो अनौठो कुरो देखियो र यो यहाँ राख्दै छु
सियो घांटिमा उनिएर पनि यो जिव बाचिरहेको छ ।
Needled Duck Dodges Helpers
An elusive duck with a needle through its neck continues to elude Palmerston North's SPCA staff this week. More than 40 phone calls have reached the animal welfare headquarters wanting the duck to be caught and freed of its neck-piercing needle. But, try as they might, SPCA staffers cannot nab the duck to perform the removal procedure. "We have made four or five attempts, but the duck is just too fast for us," Palmerston North SPCA senior inspector Val Gilbert says. "We have used cat biscuits and a net, and have got within two metres, but we still haven't caught it." Despite the needle protruding through both sides of its neck, the duck appears happy enough, and was swimming in the duck pond in The Square yesterday afternoon. "The duck is moving around, it's eating, it's flying, and that's why we can't catch it," Mrs Gilbert says. Duck watcher Tina Phillips, who was feeding ducks in The Square with her grandson Matt yesterday, says other ducks were picking on it.....................................
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Sunday, December 31, 2006


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Nepal ranks third in human rights violations

The Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) has ranked Nepal 3rd in issue of human rights violations.
A newly released SAARC Human Rights Violators’ Index 2006 released in New Delhi on Wednesday said apart from repression of political parties, violations of the right to life were widespread in Nepal.
About 1,524 persons – 815 persons by the security forces and 709 persons by the Maoists – were killed in 2005.
“Nepal remained the most dangerous place for children in South Asia with extra judicial execution, torture and forcible recruitment,” the report noted.
An estimated 58 children, including 16 girls, were reportedly killed during January - September 2005 alone. Of them, Maoists reportedly killed 46 children, including 11 girls. Over 140 children were reportedly injured by the security forces and the Maoists during 2005, including at least 80 in bomb explosions by Maoists.
ACHR has appreciated the role of judiciary under trying circumstances. “The Supreme Court of Nepal admitted petitions challenging the constitutional validity of ordinances issued by King Gyanendra, thereby, questioning the authority of the despotic ruler,” the report adds.
Half of all the cases of press censorship in the world in 2005 were reported from Nepal and at least two journalists were killed, 425 journalists were arrested, attacked or threatened. Accountability for human rights violations in Nepal remains the key challenge, the report added.
Bangladesh has been ranked No. 1 violator of human rights, followed by Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India at No.7.
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

कुरो फेरी पनि सडकको

कुरो फेरी पनि सडकको
हिजो (२०६३-८-२० गते ५ बजेतिर)फेरी उक्त बाटोमा (महेन्द्र रत्न क्याम्पस अगाडिको) केही ब्यक्ती हरु ले गाडी रोकी पैसा उठाएको देखियो । पैसा किन? भन्दा उनिहरुले त्यही शिक्षक कान्डको घाइते लाइ उपचार गर्न , भन्ने जवाफ पाइयो । कुरो ठिकै हो तर सम्बन्धित् ब्यक्तिहरु ले नै पाउने गरि ब्यवस्था गर्नु हुन पैसा उठाउने दाजुभाइलाइ अनुरोध ।

Monday, December 04, 2006

सन्दर्भ फेरी पनि सडकको

हिजो (२०६३-८-१८ गते)करिब पाँच बजे तिर म महेन्द्र रत्न क्याम्पस ताहाचल तिर बाट जाँदै थिएँ । परै बाट पुलिसको हुल देखियो,अली गाडीहरुको जाम पनि थियो । सोचेँ त्यही शिक्षक स्थायी प्रकृयाको आन्दोलन होला । नजिक पुग्दा त एउटा गाडी जलेर सिद्दिएको अवस्थामा रहेछ । पत्रकारहरु गाडी नम्बर हेर्दै थिएँ भने कोही झिलिक झिलिक गर्दै फोटो खिच्दै थिएँ । बाटो भरि ढुङ्गा इटाहरुको टुक्रा छरिएको अवस्थामा थियो । लोकतन्त्र आए पछि धेरै कुराहरुको परिवर्तन भयो, धेरै चिजबिजहरु तह लागे तर यो आन्दोलन गर्ने शैलीमा चाँही परिवर्तन आएन । सधैं सडक अबरुद्ध पर्ने, जनतालाई दुख दिने, जनताको धन सम्पत्तिमा क्षती गर्ने लगायतका काम हरु अब बन्द हुनु पर्छ । आन्दोलन गर्ने तरिकाहरु फेरिनु पर्छ । किनकी शान्ति र सुबिधा सबैलाई चाहिन्छ । कुनै एक जमातले अर्को जमातलाई दुख दिन पाइदैन जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई त । के अब पनि येस् बारेमा सोच्ने बेला आएको छैन र?
र अर्को कुरा यो आन्दोलन अस्थायि शिक्षक स्थायी गर्ने सरकारी निर्णय वीरुध्ह थियो । एस्तो निर्णय गर्दा भोली के कस्ता अफ्ठ्याराहरु आउन सक्छन, तेसबारे पहिले नै बिचार पुर्याउनु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ। जो सडक म उभियो उसैको पक्षमा निर्णय गर्दै जाने हो भने एस्ता आन्दोलन हरु हुँदै जान्छन । तसर्थ बिचार गरेर निर्णय गर्नु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ । र निर्णय गर्नु पूर्व त्यसका प्रतिकृया र असरहरुको बारेमा पनि बिचार गर्ने होकी ।

Photo from :

Thursday, November 30, 2006

राष्ट्रिय गानको टुङो लाग्यो ।

राष्ट्रिय गान

सयौं थूंगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भइ फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली ।

प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरुका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल ।

ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल ।

बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल ।

राष्ट्रिय गान साभार

The National Anthem Selection Taskforce has proposed a new national anthem and submitted its recommendation to the Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The taskforce led by eminent culture expert Satya Mohan Joshi has chosen a poem titled "Saya thunga phulko eutai mala hami Nepali ……(one hundred flowers woven into one garland of Nepali)" written by Pradeep Kumar Rai (who uses the pen name of Byakul Maila) from among 1,272 poems and songs sent by people from across the country. The taskforce was formed to propose new national anthem after the May 18 declaration of the House of Representatives called for a new national anthem to replace the current one, which was considered as eulogizing the royal family.
"The new anthem has been chosen on the basis of set criteria such as expressing natural beauty, geographic diversity, cultural and national identity and feeling of the people," according to Joshi.
Talking to Kantipur Television, Rai who hails from Okhaldhunga said he felt "proud and happy" to be chosen as the lucky writer. The selected national anthem will now be presented at the cabinet for final endorsement. And after it is endorsed, the poem will be decorated with appropriate music composition.
The history of the national anthem goes back to 1895 during the reign of Prime Minister Bir Shumshere JB Rana. Two separate tunes were composed to salute the King and the prime minister during their public appearances and the army band was asked to play the music for them

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